New year tarot spreads as their name suggests are a collection of cards and questions that can be performed at the beginning of the year or on an annual basis throughout the year.
These spreads often focus around the theme of motivation planning, and guidance. We’ve collected the very best ones to help you view your year in full and plan so that you can manifest your best year yet.
How To Use A New Year Tarot Spread
Using a yearly tarot spread is similar to using tarot spreads in general: a tarot reader prepares for a reading in their usual way, shuffling their cards and asking the questions listed in the spread.
For each question they pull a card and place it down where directed. Though the same in practice, there are differences in how tarot cards are interpreted in new year readings.
Time in New Year Tarot Readings
Reading new year tarot spreads will often require the reader to interpret time a little differently. This is because time itself is often discussed for example when a certain event may happen in the reader’s year.
Therefore interpreting time in tarot readings is a complex task. Many tarot readers view tarot and its purpose differently meaning there is no set way of interpreting these cards around the concept of time.
Some use tarot to divine the future whilst others use tarot as an introspective tool. When a tarot spread includes the concept of time the reader should first try to understand their beliefs on this topic and when reading proceed in a way that feels natural to them.
Regardless of our personal beliefs, we should always aim to make our tarot readings empowering.
1. Glance At The Year Ahead Tarot Spread

A quick and easy three-card spread that guides you to live your best year yet. Using the lessons of your past year with your hopes for the year ahead this spread helps you find balance in the present moment.
It is best performed on New Year’s Eve but it can be helpful anytime of the year.
- What did my past year teach me?
- How does my intuition in the present moment wish to guide me?
- What can I learn from my hopes and dreams for the year ahead?
2. Yearly Resolutions Tarot Spread

This spreads gives you the opportunity to create resolutions that are truly meaningful to you.
Forget what society does around the New Year, this is your chance to prioritize YOUR goals.
- Looking back on the past year I noticed I was often short on...
- I noticed I had too much of...
- A skill I frequently wished I could do was...
- Something that regularly angered or frustrated me was....
- I often wanted but failed to make time for...
- Something I am still thinking about and want to try is...
3. New Year, New Me Tarot Spread

This spread helps us begin again with a fresh start and new perspective. Using the date of a new year to draw a line under our past we are supported with this spread to start again with renewed optimism and a healthy outlook on life.
It gives us small actions and routines we can use in our day to day lives so that the days add up to a wonderfully thriving year.
- What negative trait or habit am I leaving in the past year?
- Going forward in the year ahead what should I prioritize?
- What action can I take to support myself physically?
- What mental help do I require to feel more positive?
- What emotional support am I seeking?
- What is a step I can introduce into my morning routine to set my day and self up for success?
- What is a step I can introduce into my evening routine to wind down and sleep better?
4. New Year Life Declutter Tarot Spread

In this spread we use the motivational feelings of the new year to cultivate our self-discipline so we can reduce our possessions, habits and tasks to those that really matter and are for our growth.
We often wish to start new projects and goals but can’t find the time, space or energy. We may have accumulated things and processes that no longer serve us and this spread allows us to spot these and declutter, freeing up our time and energy in the new year for what we want to focus on most.
Please note that even though the bottom half of these cards are upside down they should be read as upright not reversed cards.
- What physical possessions are causing more harm than good for me? (For example more things means more storage and more time spent cleaning them.)
- What emotional baggage have I collected over the last year which is not mine to process?
- What self-limiting beliefs or mental habits are causing me to waste my time or resources this past year?
- What activities can I reduce or remove from my schedule for the coming year?
- What tasks feel like an obligation but have no or little purpose?
- What hobbies have I outgrown or am no longer interested in?
- Who could I give these possessions to so they still provide someone with joy?
- What financial habits or spending is contributing to materialism and how can I reduce this for a better year?